Comic Fest - Colgemelli
Greetings to the entire Gemelist community!
We are delighted to extend a warm invitation for you to join our exciting English Day, which will center around the theme "Comic Fest" this time. This is a unique opportunity to express your creativity and passion for comics, fantasy, and fun.
Get ready to immerse yourselves in a world brimming with vibrant colors and iconic characters! We encourage you to attend wearing your favorite costumes, whether it's as a daring superhero, a charming princess, a mysterious villain, or even an iconic Disney character. And of course, we won't forget references to video games, manga-anime, and the enchantment of Harry Potter.
Our event will feature a variety of stands and activities that are sure to captivate your interest.
We look forward to seeing all of you at our Gemelli Comic Fest English Day. You won't want to miss it! It promises to be a day filled with laughter, learning, and memorable moments!
See you soon!